
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Nursery Superheroes!

Linked to learning about superheroes, the Nursery children have enjoyed using her superhero zapper to zap the different numbers upon instruction, developing their number recognition skills for numbers up to 5.

Also, the nursery children have enjoyed creating models of superheroes using the playdough and loose parts.

As well as, the nursery children have enjoyed exploring magnetic superhero powers using the magnets. With some support and through key questioning, the children sorted the objects into baskets/categories based upon whether they were magnetic or not.

They have also created a superhero mask!

The nursery children have enjoyed using the telephone and superhero phone book to ring a superhero for help. They selected their favourite superheroes, matched the numbers in the book to the telephone and pretended to have a conversation on the phone asking the superhero for help. Great links made to technology, maths and imaginative learning and play.

The nursery children have enjoyed drawing pictures of their own superheroes.  The children have described their drawings so ascribing meaning to the marks they have made.