
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Bubble Diaries Day 2

Find out what our bubbles did on Tuesday

Clever Cats

Today Clever Cats enjoyed watching video clips of Big Cats and engaged in brilliant discussions about all of the exciting information they learnt. They then created their own leopard pictures, by following instructions and adding details with crayons. Green leaves were added to help their leopards appear to be hiding in the trees. These will be finished off and displayed tomorrow. The children then tried their hand at drawing a ‘real life’ tiger, by following each step that the artist took on the video. We were so pleased with our results!


Shooting Stars Bubble

Shooting Stars bubble have continued to learn about minibeasts today, with a particular focus on learning about snails.  We looked at a powerpoint presentation all about snails, discussed what we could see in the images and learnt new language and vocabulary about snails.  We labelled a picture of a snail, looked on the internet for fun facts about snails, and searched for images of snails.  We then combined all of this work and learning to create a large poster/fact sheet about things we had learnt.  After all that hard work we enjoyed a bit of free time playing some online maths games using the I pads and scanning QR codes. 


At playtimes we enjoyed checking the minibeast gardens that we created yesterday to see if any new creatures were enjoying their new home.  We were really pleased and excited to see that a real snail had chosen to live in one of the minibeast gardens J  As a treat, we watched ‘The Snail and the Whale’ animation too as enjoying our lunch. 


In the afternoon we made a representation of a snail using a paper plate and beads to create the spiral effect of the snail’s shell. 


We have also painted some rocks which we are going to turn into pebble minibeasts throughout the rest of the week