Additional support in school is known as provision.
All children’s progress is closely monitored. If assessments show that a child might need more support this will be highlighted by the Class Teacher at half termly pupil progress meetings (PPMs).
All children receive Quality First Teaching (Wave 1); which means your child’s needs can be met in standard classroom provision by making reasonable adjustments that ensure the progress of leaners in the classroom. At wave 1, children are receiving the universal offer provided at the academy, which means their needs can be met through adapted lessons and the use of supportive equipment and strategies such as number lines, key word banks, reward charts and so on.
If your child requires further intervention, this is classed as Wave 2 support. This means that your child will receive small group intervention or individual intervention (such as 1:1 reading). At wave 2, your child may be taken out of class in the school day and work with an adult alone or in a small group on intervention set by the class teacher.
If your child does not make sufficient progress at Wave 2, then after discussions with the class teacher, SENDCo and parents/carers, we may escalate the intervention to wave 3, known as targeted provision, and involve external agencies and specialists and/or provide specific provision for your child, where possible.
Wave 1: Quality first teaching
Wave 2: Small Group or individual intervention
Wave 3: Specific provision identified / External agencies involved