
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Behaviour and Attitudes

At OA Clarksfield we are committed to developing the character and competence of each and every of one of our children in line with our 9 habits and in pursuit of all our pupils receiving an exceptional education.

Our behaviour policy is underpinned by 4 key levers:

1. Academy Vision and Values

2. Personal Development Curriculum (Enrichment, Extra-Curricular entitlement, Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance and PSHCE curriculum)

3. Academy Behaviour Systems, Structures and Routines (recognition and reward, sanction, attendance etc.)

4. Behaviour Training and Professional Development for staff

We believe that continually developing our character to become the best version of ourselves is really important for every child and staff member alike. Therefore, we actively promote and practice the Oasis 9 Habits which is a golden thread running through everything we do.


Oasis Academy Clarksfield has a ‘Behaviour Charter’ with six main rules: to be Accountable, Care, use Teamwork, Inspire, to be Open and Never Give Up (ACTION). The primary aim of the behaviour policy, however, is not a system to enforce rules but rather to promote good relationships, so that everyone can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn. Overall, it aims to promote an environment where all feel happy, safe and secure.

Our children know that they have a responsibility to take ACTION for their own and others choices.



These expectations are displayed in every classroom in the form of our ACTION boards, and discussed in whole-school and key-stage assemblies and class circle times.




We understand that everyone makes wrong choices from time to time and for this we shouldn’t be punished. Instead we need to provide our children with the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, to reflect and to repair. 

In all of our classrooms we have a behaviour chart as a visual reminder of our class expectations which are agreed at the start of each new school year.  This chart is also used to help children to self- regulate their behaviour and take responsibility.

All children begin the school day on green but can be moved to amber or red for low level disruptions or poor choices.

Restorative practice

We want our Oasis family to be able to develop, maintain and repair relationships, building a community based around empathy and self-learning, where children take responsibility for their behaviour

Restorative practices in school centre around a set of key questions that help children think about their behaviour and understand how they can correct it:

·         What happened?

·         What were you thinking and feeling at the time?

·         What have you thought about it since?

·         Who has been affected and in what way?

·         How could things have been done differently?

·         What do you think needs to happen to make things right?

If our children make the wrong choices they are supported on a 1:1 or small group basis to complete a repair and reflect session that is appropriate for their age. This is done either verbally or written down.  Restorative practice gives our pupils the skills to manage conflicts, strengthen relationships, and take responsibility by developing empathy and emotional literacy.

Restorative practice in our school has had a number of benefits. Children have shown:

·         Improved positivity, resilience and responsibility-taking

·         Better behaviour management

·         Greater respect and courtesy towards teachers and each other

·         Increased empathy

·         An understanding of how to make wrongs right.

Recognition and rewards

At OAC we believe it is essential to recognise and rewards positive choice and efforts from the children. Across school we use class dojo where children receive a dojo for displaying the 9 habits, Building their Learning Power, making good choices and taking ACTION.

Each week children can receive a bronze, silver or gold Dojo certificate in the recognition assembly where they are recognised by their teachers, peers and parents. 

Click here to see our Class dojo certificates