Primary Admissions
Children are allocated places in accordance with the Local Authority’s Admissions Policy. This means that priority is given to children with Special Educational Needs or children who are looked after by the Local Authority. The next priority is children who have brothers and sisters at the Academy, followed by proximity of the child’s home address to the Academy. Entry to the nursery is managed by the Academy. Entry to reception and admission to other year groups is centrally organised by the Local Authority. There are two Foundation Stage classes, four Key Stage 1 classes and eight Key Stage 2 classes. The Academy’s existing admissions limit is 60 pupils. Parents/carers are informed of the class organisation in the Summer Term when staffing levels and pupil numbers are known.
For parents/cares who would like to apply for a reception school place for September 2024 please use the link here for more information
If you are a parent or carer and wish to apply for a place at Oasis Academy Clarksfield for the following September, you will need to complete the Common Application Form via the Council Website.
Want to come pay us a visit?
We always welcome visitors at our Academy. Please keep an eye out for our official open days here and on our social media platforms.
We are able to cater for parents and carers who are unable to visit on these days by special request. Get in touch with the school office today and we'll be pleased to arrange a date with you.
Telephone: 0161 213 1235