
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Attendance and Punctuality

Senior Attendance Lead: Zahra-Mae Mohamed

Attendance Lead: Lizz Cassin

Please support us by making sure your child is in school and on time every day!

In order for your child to do their very best, it is important that attendance and punctuality is excellent.  Lost time cannot be made up and school expects the support of parents and carers in ensuring that children always attend school.

There will, of course, be rare times when children are unwell or have health appointments and therefore won’t be in school. However, school must be informed of the reason for these absences by phone by 9.15am.  The school office is open from 8.00am to receive phone calls. If your child is not in school and we have not had prior notification of the reason for their absence you will be contacted that morning by Mrs Cassin to provide a reason. If we cannot make contact school staff may make home visits to investigate and support parents to get their child to school. 

As a school we are working closely with the Education Welfare Service to improve our attendance, and bring it in line with the government's expectation of 96%. Where children and/or families are identified as causing concern for attendance or punctuality the support of the Education Welfare Service will be sought.

In line with the local authority's guidance, we will not authorise any holidays or leave during term time.  In addition, if parents do take their children out of school and therefore have an unauthorised absence, the school will refer this immediately to the Education Welfare Service. This could result in a child being removed from the school register and/or the parent/carer being subject to a fixed penalty notice fine. 

Our Attendance and Punctuality Policy can be found in full here.

Celebrating Good Attendance

To encourage positive attendance in school, pupils and classes can earn rewards, 

  • Each week in assembly, foundation stage/key stage 1 and key stage 2 are presented with gold, silver and bronze certificates for the top three classes.  
  • Each week, pupils with 100% attendance for the week will have their name placed into a jar to win a prize. This is known a 'star in the jar' in school. Pupils can choose a small prize from the prize box.
  • Every term, all pupils with 100% attendance will receive a certificate.
  • At the end of the year, pupils with 100% attendance and no lates will receive a certificate and will be rewarded with a treat.