Ofsted April 2023
We are delighted with our recent Ofsted report which is graded at GOOD in all areas. We are especially pleased with the following comments
'Oasis Academy Clarksfield is a happy school '
'Children’s behaviour is exemplary'.
'Children are offered an extensive range of experiences to enhance their learning'.
'The curriculum is broad and ambitious for all pupils including those with SEND’.
Please find the full report here.
Parent View
With Parent View, an anonymous feedback portal for schools, administered by Ofsted, you can give your opinions on our academy.
If you would like to participate on Parent View, please do so by clicking here.
Parent Feedback
If a parent/carer is unhappy about something or has any concerns about anything to do with the school, they should communicate this to school staff as soon as possible.
If a parent has a complaint regarding SEND they should contact the SENDCO in the first instance. For any other issue, parents should discuss any concerns with the class teacher first. Most concerns or issues can be addressed informally at this stage. Teachers are available for informal discussions at the end of the school day or by appointment.
If any issue remains unresolved, parents should arrange an appointment with the Assistant Principal of their child's key stage. If it is difficult to discuss a matter with the class teacher, an appointment should be made directly with the Assistant Principal.
Please follow our complaint procedures which you will find in our Complaints Policy
Our school's local Parent Survey
We consult parents on a range of important issues. Consultation can happen informally, on the playground, or formally through a written survey. We also canvass views via our parents' group, Friends' of Clarksfield.
The views of parents and carers are important in helping us offer the best possible service, and in helping to shape the future direction of the school.
Thank you to those 138 families who completed questionnaires. We think greater use of social media and the use ICT will further increase the response rate next year.
In every single category, positive percentages rose – in some cases quite significantly. Bearing in mind this year’s challenges, I am particularly heartened and encouraged. As always, the school will work extremely hard to address any issues arising from this year’s questionnaire.